
Marketing Strategy and Advice

You’ve got the great logo, a slick website, social media accounts (all the hashtags) and your brand colour palette sorted. But people aren’t flocking to you, your communications aren’t hitting the mark and you’re not attracting the right customer to your product or services.

Ticking off all the fun, marketing 101 requirements on your to-do list won’t build a successful, soaring, smart business.

Without a substantial, well thought through, customer-centric marketing strategy in place, you’ll always just be a business that ‘could’ be doing better. We’ll work with you to build your overarching purpose, vision, mission and values. Does your market positioning make sense, do you know your ideal customer and how to reach them? We devise brand, campaign and communication strategies that meet all your requirements, and align the ‘nice-to-haves’ with the (critical) must-haves.  

What we do

  • Define and transform brand direction

  • Marketing health check

  • Purpose, vision, mission and core values work

  • Market positioning

  • Communication strategy

  • Brand strategy