Your marketing support crew

Think of us as your marketing support crew, your external insiders. 


Flexible experts who get what you do, and then get the job done. We care deeply about the brands we work with, your success is ours too.


Business and Start-up Growth Service

Managing and balancing the things that make up your unique business is HARD. You need to continually adapt, and just when you’ve dealt with one success or challenge, the next thing to face comes along.

Getting by and only doing the day-in/day-out doesn’t set you up to thrive or to fulfil your business vision.

Sometimes you really need someone from the outside to look in. (That’s us!) We’ll be in your corner, your very own independent think-tank, to get you unstuck, uncovering opportunities we’ll see through fresh eyes. It’s in our name, but more so in our values and purpose, the Flock Effect team will gather around you and get your business moving cohesively – up.  

What we do

  • Result-driven business growth consulting

  • Practical action plans

  • Purpose and vision alignment for growth

  • Custom business development solutions

  • Business diversification and transformation


Marketing Strategy and Advice

You’ve got the great logo, a slick website, social media accounts (all the hashtags) and your brand colour palette sorted. But people aren’t flocking to you, your communications aren’t hitting the mark and you’re not attracting the right customer to your product or services.

Ticking off all the fun, marketing 101 requirements on your to-do list won’t build a successful, soaring, smart business.

Without a substantial, well thought through, customer-centric marketing strategy in place, you’ll always just be a business that ‘could’ be doing better. We’ll work with you to build your overarching purpose, vision, mission and values. Does your market positioning make sense, do you know your ideal customer and how to reach them? We devise brand, campaign and communication strategies that meet all your requirements, and align the ‘nice-to-haves’ with the (critical) must-haves.  

What we do

  • Define and transform brand direction

  • Marketing health check

  • Purpose, vision, mission and core values work

  • Market positioning

  • Communication strategy

  • Brand strategy


Marketing Implementation and Management

If you don’t know your value proposition from your offer or your nurture campaign from your lead gen content (huh?), we can simplify and streamline your marketing plans and campaigns.

It really doesn’t need to be complicated or overwhelming. Get your message to the right audience at the right time, in the right way. Full stop. 

Collectively, the Flock Effect team have planned and implemented countless integrated marketing campaigns over our careers. Working with you and your team, we’ll create best-in-class marketing activity, including creative support. If you need extra people-power, we can also execute campaigns, providing you with an end-to-end solution.

What we do

  • Marketing and promotional plans

  • Campaign plans

  • Creative support

  • Content support

  • Implementation support

  • ROI reporting on campaigns and plans


Marketing Coach

Are your marketing people always scrambling to keep up? Do they get tied up with thinking and talking (sending you yet another slide deck) but never actually get to the ‘doing’? It’s probably time you got some proper external advice and support to realign your people and function.

Whether your team is 1, 10 or 30, from a junior assistant/coordinator to a fully decked out marketing function, Flock Effect has options to strengthen your people and your business. Using our experience and knowledge, we can coach and mentor your team across all your marketing and partner engagement work. 

We love working directly with teams and can deliver customised team upskilling and training, team goal setting and team review and optimisation. We’ll also guide and support you with recruitment. Basically, we help you get the right people in the right roles doing the right things. We want your birds of a feather to flock together (yep we went there).

What we do

  • Empower your in-house team

  • Customised upskilling and training

  • Customised workshops

  • Marketing function review and optimisation

  • Recruitment support

  • Coaching and mentoring


Your Outsourced, Virtual Marketing Team

If there was ever a time to take some scary steps to redefine and grow your business, it is one hundred and fifty per cent – 2020. How do you plan for the now, let alone the next 6, 12, 24 months? Navigating this year and beyond is capital C ‘Challenging’, at best.

At Flock Effect, we’d love our team to become part of your team. We want to help as many Australian businesses as we can to keep making it happen, even amid global pandem-onium.

Whatever your needs we have expert, skilled and experienced junior and senior marketing talent available for hire. Short or long-term projects or roles, day-to-day marketing guidance, virtual Marketing Manager, we’ve got plenty of options to fit your requirements, without adding to your headcount. 

Your virtual CMO

If you already have an ‘in-flight’ marketing team but are seeking a more senior leader, we also have a virtual Chief Marketing Officer package. When you want someone on your side who is a serious industry thought-leader, balanced with commercial smarts, talk to us about our virtual CMO. You get all the benefits of a Senior Marketing Exec, without the annual C-suite salary on your books.   

What we do

  • Outsourced marketing solutions

  • Junior and senior talent access

  • Virtual Chief Marketing Officer

  • Marketing thought-leadership

  • Day-to-day marketing guidance

  • Short or long-term projects


Talk to us about growing your business 
